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Treatment Frequency

Updated: Apr 15

I was fortunate to be mentored by a chiropractor who excelled in his profession and was deeply committed to communicating all aspects of preventative care sincerely. He empowered clients to strive for optimal health and encouraged them to schedule appointments when they felt intuitively that a treatment was necessary.

In my practice as a therapist, I share a similar approach. While I may suggest the frequency of treatment and refer clients to other practitioners when necessary, I refrain from pressuring individuals to rebook. Instead, I advocate for regular maintenance as part of everyday life, alongside a tailored treatment plan for addressing specific injuries or chronic issues.

Understanding that each person responds uniquely to treatment, my aim as an RMT is to establish a relationship with you, ensuring that you feel confident in your overall health, notice improvements in function, and perceive progress toward your optimal well-being.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunities this profession has afforded me and for the insights gained from treating countless individuals of all ages and backgrounds. I extend my sincere appreciation to you for entrusting me with your care and for your commitment to our collaborative journey.

Your trust and dedication make my work meaningful, and I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve you. As I take a moment to reflect, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude:

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

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